Regular Expressions

March 30, 2017

When I first learnt about regular expressions I thought “cool I can match characters or patterns in text, I’ll just google the regex pattern when I need it” and when that time came I discovered regex is almost like a programming language itself with many different concepts like; anchors, alternation, groups, backreferences, lookahead, lookbehind and the list goes on…

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Ruby Linked List Pt1 Reverse using a Stack

October 10, 2016

In this challenge I learned about 2 new data structures; a linked list and a stack and how to implement them by hand. The challenge was specially to create a stack class and then reverse the linked list using this stack.

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Rails ActiveRecord rename model and table

August 10, 2016

Renaming a model and table in Rails is easy using a migration and rename_table, but then there’s a stack of references to this old name that will also need to be updated. I’m going to cover what those are.

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Ubuntu Dev Environment Setup

July 29, 2016

Pre-built development environments are common these days via either a cloud service or sharing of a pre-built vagrant environment, but its always good to know what’s under the hood.

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Rails nested content_tag

January 13, 2016

Recently I needed to write a rails helper to generate some html code with quite a bit of nested html. I quickly found this can be quite tricky and I discovered I wasn’t alone with a quick google of terms like ‘nesting content_tag’, ‘content_tag conact’, ‘content_tag table’.

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